Exercise of Computer Architecture

This exercise involves a large project including a single-cycle datapath and control and its pipelined organization. Students are encouraged to do their own design with creativity without copying other students' work.
Week 1 Project 1   :  An Example of Verilog Design in Cadence (deadline for the report of Project 1 is the end of exercises on Week 2)
Week 2 Project 2   :  Verilog Design of a 32-bit ALU (deadline for the report of Project 2 is the end of exercises on Week 3)
Week 3 Project 3   :  Verilog Design of a Register File (deadline for the report of Project 3 is the end of exercises on Week 4)
Week 4~6 Project 4   :  Single-Cycle Datapath and Control (deadline for the report of Project 4 is the end of exercises on Week 7)
Week 7 Report Writing for Project 4
Week 8~10 Project 5   :  Pipelined Datapath and Control (deadline for the report of Project 5 is the end of exercises on Week 11)
Week 11 Report Writing for Project 5.
Week 12~13 Project 6   :  Forwarding Unit (deadline for the report of Project 6 is the end of exercises on Week 14)
Week 14 Report Writing for Project 6
Week 15 Q&A for the Final Review

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