
Mr. Takahiro Machino, a fourth-year student of the Department of Computer Software at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, is now doing his 22-day research (from February 27 to March 20) at University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland on UoA's International Short -Term Study Program for Academic Year 2006.
Here is a report on his research and daily life in Ireland

A report from Dublin, Ireland

March 17, 2007

Dublin is the capital city of Republic of Ireland and located in the middle of the east coast. It rains nearly everyday in this season, but it is not so cold.

University College Dublin (UCD) is the national university of Ireland. The campus is located in the south of the city center (it takes about 30 minutes from the city center by bus) and there are 35 departments and over 20,000 students. The campus is very beautiful with the grass and good to walk around when the weather is fair (but it is difficult to meet the weather like this).

For my stay at UCD, Dr. Hitoshi Oi, an assistant professor of Operating Systems Lab., introduced me to Dr. Chris Bleakley, who is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Informatics. During my stay at UCD, I'm working with Dr. Chris Bleakley and his postgraduate students and staying at the postgraduate student's office. It is very quiet in the building where I'm staying because there are only professors and postgraduate students, so it is very good surroundings to study and research. Besides working at my research, I attend the classes and seminars related to my interests. On March 9th, I gave a presentation of my graduation thesis, and discuss and exchange opinions with the professors and postgraduate students.

This is the first visit to Europe, but I have never met the trouble. If pressed, I regret two things; it rains nearly everyday and three weeks are very short to enjoy my stay at UCD.

The IT industry in Ireland has grown fast. Especially, the software industry outstrips the U.S. and Ireland is the most exporting country in the world. Staying at UCD located in such country will be a significant experience for me to study and research in the graduate school.