
The Japanese class held 30 sessions on every Tuesday and Friday, from October 5, 2021 to January 28, 2022.

This Japanese language class is mainly aimed to international students and faculty of the University of Aizu and their families.

It was held throughout the year so that you can study Basics I & II in the first half and learn Basics III & IV in the second half.

With the cooperation of the Aizuwakamatsu International Association, we offered a basic Japanese language class (direct method) for international students who have never studied Japanese.

After completing the basic studies, we will move to the Japanese Language Proficiency Test exam preparation courses and Business Japanese classes conducted by our Japanese teachers, so that they can study Japanese throughout the year.

We will support students who are aiming for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test and recruit as this course.

This year, we conducted online classes for students who could not enter Japan due to the influence of COVID-19, and handed out certificates of completion to students in the final class.
