Operating Systems: 2nd Semester, 2017

Course No.F06 (Section C5)
Instructor: Dr. Hitoshi Oi
(Assistant Professor, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems Group.)
office: 242-C
office hours: Tuesday 1400 to 1600 or by appointment
email: hitoshi©u-aizu.ac.jp
phone: 2580
Course Web Page: http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~hitoshi/COURSES/OS/
Moodle: This year, we use the moodle for the exercise problems and other courese related material and information. The students who registered for this course must have received email including the account information for the moodle site. If you registered for the class but have not received email, please contact the instructor.
Lecture Wed, 0900 to 1030 at M4 (Lecture Hall 204)
Exercise Wed, 1040 to 1440 at std2 (Research Quadrangles 146)
*For the scheduling efficiency or convenience, Lecture and Exercise classes may be swapped.

Hitoshi Oi