Operating Systems: 2nd Semester, 2008

Course No.F6
Instructor: Dr. Hitoshi Oi
(Assistant Professor, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems Group.)
office: 242-C
office hours: Wednesday 1400 - 1600 or by appointment
email: hitoshi©u-aizu.ac.jp
phone: 2580
Course Web Page: http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~hitoshi/COURSES/OS08/
Lecture Thr, 1310 to 1440 at Classroom M7 (Lecture Hall 207)
Exercise Thr, 0900 to 1210 at Lab std3 (Lecture Hall 101)
Course Assistant Fumio Nakajima
email: os08_assistant©oslab.biz


Please note that the syllbus is tentative and subject to change.
Course overview slides: PS, PDF.

Course Notice Board

All notice for this course will be posted on this board. Each student is requred to check this board regularly and frequently. It is assumed that each student is aware of the notice after 24 hours from the post date.


Exercise problems are posted here.

Examinateion Policies and Rules

(amended on 11/13/08).
Hitoshi Oi