Advanced Operating Systems

If you are interested in taking this course, please read the prerequisite below and check if you satisfy these requirements. If not, please contact the instructor and also take appropriate course(s), such as undergrad operating systems beforehand. It is advised that taking a course without reading the syllabus, (or just filling the empty slots of your course schedule, like a puzzle) is not a good idea and is likely to lead to an unfavorable result.

Tentative Syllabus 2019

Course No. SYC07F
Instructors: Dr. Hitoshi Oi (Course Coordinator)
(Assistant Professor, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems Group.)
office: 242-C
office hours: by appointment only
email: hitoshi©
phone: 2580

Prof. Kazuya Matsumoto

Course Web Page:
Class Meeting and Classroom Tuesday 5th to 8th periods, RQ275 (s3)
Course Assistant TBD (if available)

Course Notice Board

We have replaced the notice board with Google Classroom (which is also used for file sharing and assignment submissions). The instructor will provide the registered students the account and course registration information directly.

Course Objectives

This is one of core courses in the graduate program in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Aizu. The course covers from the basic design concepts of the modern operating systems to the case studies in the actual implementations of the operating systems to see how they utilize and manage advanced hardware technologies for newly emerging applications. Topics covered overlap with those in the undergraduate operating systems course. However, it is expected that students understand each topic in more detail and at a higher standard.

In the first few weeks, basic concepts of OSes will be reviewed. During this period, students will decide the topics for their reports. In the next few weeks, advanced topics (such as virtual machines or distributed systems) and case studies will be covered.

Grading Policies

The final course grade will be a combination of written exam(s) (40%), term paper (or project) (40%) and class participation (20%). Letter grades will follow the University Standard (A >= 80, B >= 65, C >= 50).


Modern Operating Systems, Global Edition, 4/E , by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, ISBN 10: 1292061421, ISBN 13: 9781292061429, Prentice Hall. This is a REQUIRED textbook. We will continue to use the 4th edition for this academic year (2022). Please read the notice on the top page

Academic journal (e.g. IEEE Transactions on Computers) and conference (e.g. ASPLOS) papers and articles from technical magazines (e.g. IEEE Micro) will also be used as the reading materials.


Tentative Schedule

This schedule is tentative and will be adjusted according to the progress and interests of the attending students. Each class is a 50 minute period and two classes per week.

1Course Introduction
Linux Overview
Textbook: Sections 10.1 to 10.2
2-3Processes, Threads and Scheduling Textbook: Section 10.3
4Memory Management Textbook: Section 10.4
5Input/Output Textbook: Section 10.5
6 File System Textbook: Section 10.6
7 Security Textbook: Section 10.7
8-9 Virtualization and the Cloud Textbook: Chapter 7
10Operating System Design Textbook: Chapter 12
11-13Advanced Topics Selected Papers/Articles
14Project Presentations
*Final Exam *Final Exam Period for 3rd Quarter

Hitoshi Oi