ファヨール ピエール アラン

FAYOLLE Pierre-Alain

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering/Division of Information Systems
Associate Professor
Web site


Courses - Undergraduate
C++ programming, Java II programming, Computer Graphics
Courses - Graduate


Shape modeling and applications; Computational finance; Software engineering
Educational Background, Biography
2002: MSc in Computer Science, ENSEIRB, Bordeaux, France. 2006: PhD in Computer Science Engineering, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan. 2006 - 2009: Associate, Morgan Stanley. 2009 - : Associate Professor, University of Aizu.
Current Research Theme
Shape modeling and applications
Key Topic
Shape modeling,Solid modeling,Volumetric modeling,Shape analysis
Affiliated Academic Society


Publications other than one's areas of specialization
A buffer overflow study, attacks & defenses, (with V. Glaume). 2001.

Main research

Modelling and 3D Printing of Intelligent Shapes

3D Kanji is a 3D symbol for the future society that enhances current flat characters and symbols. Using unique techniques and algorithms, characters can be transformed into completely new sophisticated, intriguing 3D shapes that still resembles the original characters. We are exploring various applications of this family of new 3D symbols, especially new methods to embed more data/knowledge into the form, modelling technologies, 3D printing technologies and identification methods.


Shape modeling

The typical domains of application of shape modeling include: computer-aided design, architecture, design and rapid prototyping, mechanical engineering or medical image processing.

The usual methods or operations that can be performed include: acquisition from scanned data, conversion between representation, creation and modeling, deformation, repairing, optimization, animation, etc

The shapes studied are in general two or three dimensional, though it is possible to consider additional dimensions corresponding, for example, to the time (for time-dependent shapes) or internal attributes of the objects.

Shape modeling is dealing with the study of mathematical tools, data-structures and algorithms for the description of the shape of objects and the operations to be applied to them.


Dissertation and Published Works

Some recent works:
- Signed Lp-distance fields, (with Alexander Belyaev and Alexander Pasko), Computer-Aided Design, 45(2), 523-528. 2013.
- Segmentation of discrete point clouds using an extensible set of templates, (with Alexander Pasko), The Visual Computer, 29(5), 449-465. 2013.
- Optimized surface discretization of functionally defined multi-material objects, (with Alexander Pasko), Advances in Engineering Software, 45(1), 301-312. 2012.
- Procedural Function-based Modeling of Volumetric Microstructures, (with Alexander Pasko, Oleg Fryazinov, Turlif Vilbrandt, and Valery Adzhiev), Graphical Models, 73(5), 165-181. 2011.