Hints for Course Projects

This page provides you with the information on how to proceed your course project. At this moment, the information is incomplet and inconsistent (and maybe incorrect too), but still gives you some hint when discussing project topic within the team.

Literature Survey

In this project, your team members will read articles on the technical magazines, journals and conference proceedings concerned with some aspects of compiler.s (LP) or operating systems (OS). The first places you look for should be Chapter 13 "Readling List and Bibliography" (OS) and "Advanced Topics" in each chapter and Bibliography (LP) in the textbooks. Blow some of the technical magazines, journals and conferences are listed for your reference.

Technical Magazines and Journals

Conference Proceedings

Web Sites

Programming and Experiments

Below, some possible topics for the programming and experiment type course projects are listed. The instructor would assist you obtaining tools for your projects if possible and appropriate.
Hitoshi Oi