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Computational Study of Quantum Gravity on the Parallel Computer as an Example of Random Network System

Akira Fujitsu,
Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Technology Center

We study numeraical simulation of the Quantum Gravity by using the Dynamical triangulation method and the Regge calculus method. We investigate critical phenomenon of the random manifold. Group members: Akira Fujitsu, Katsutaro Shimizu, Tetsuyuki Yukawa, Noritsugu Tuda, Shouichi Ichinose.

We did computer simulation on AINS using distributed resources of workstations and investigated the effect of matter in the system of two-dimensional quantum gravity.

We held the research meeting for our group members at Inawashiro town on March, 1994 and discussed the topics of the quantum gravity and supersymmetry, and constructed an environment to study numerical simulation of quantum gravity.
January 1996