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Foundation of Computer Science Laboratory

/ Satoshi Okawa / Professor
/ Qian Ping Gu / Associate Professor
/ Shuichi Yukita / Associate Professor

The research and education activities in this laboratory focus on the theoretical foundations of computers and computations. In particular, our work covers the following areas.

The research in this laboratory is divided into two parts. The first part consists of the work that follows the research in the above areas. The goal of this research is to provide the theoretical foundations for the education and research activities in this university.

The second part of our work is the creative research in some specific areas of the theoretical foundations of computer science. Currently, we are working on

In one principle area of parallel computation, node fault tolerant routing in interconnection networks, this laboratory has been obtaining some of the most top level results in the world. Many creative works in other areas of parallel computation, computational learning theory, and dynamical systems in discrete mathematics have also been obtained. Many of our results have been published/accepted by leading international journals and conferences.

This laboratory gives lectures in discrete mathematics, geometry, algorithms, and guides students in their extracurricular projects in our creative research. In the middle to long term plan, we will develop courseware in parallel computation, computational learning theory, and dynamical systems in discrete mathematics based on our research results.

The research activities in this laboratory are based on the free work of each faculty member. Faculty members exchange their ideas and results through regular seminars and free discussions to work on common global areas. In the last year, a regular algorithm seminar (once a week) was organized, and eight leading experts in the world were invited to give talks in several areas of computer science. These talks have greatly stimulated and brought fresh air to the work here. The work of this laboratory has also been actively promoted outside the university at domestic and international conferences.

Refereed Journal Papers

  1. Q. Gu and J. Gu. Algorithms and average time bounds of sorting on a mesh connected computer. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 5(3):308-315, March 1994.

    In this paper, we give three new parallel sorting algorithms on a mesh connected computer with xbm/wrap around connections (i.e., a torus). These three algorithms, with the minimum queue size of , sort random input data items into a blocked snake-like row major order, a row major order, and a snake-like row major order, in , , and average steps, respectively. These results improve the previous results of , , and , respectively. In addition, we prove in this paper that the distance bound on a torus is an average time lower bound independent of indexing schemes of sorting random data items on it.

  2. Q. Gu and J. Gu. Two packet routing algorithms on a mesh connected computer. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, accepted in June, 1993, 1993.

    In this paper, we give two algorithms for the routing problems on a mesh connected computer. The first algorithm, with a queue size of , solves the problem on an mesh connected computer in steps. This improves the previous result of a queue size . The second algorithm solves the problem in steps with a queue size of , where is the time for sorting an mesh into a row major order for all . This result improves the previous result of a queue size of . Both of our algorithms have important applications in reducing the hardware cost on a mesh connected computer.

Refereed Proceeding Papers

  1. Q. Gu, S. Okawa, and S Peng. Disjoint path in hypercubes and star graphs. In Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing 1994, pages 49-56, 1994.

    The set-to-set routing which allows certain node failure is considered. We first present an interesting theorem for the set-to-set routing problem in general graphs. Then efficient algorithms are given for the set-to-set routing problem in hypercubes and star graphs. Hypercubes and star graphs have been accepted as attractive interconnection networks. They have logarithmic and sublogarithmic node degree and diameter, respectively. They both possess rich structure and symmetry properties as well as many desirable fault tolerance characteristics, For -dimensional hypercubes and star graphs, our algorithms run in optimal time. The algorithms find the node disjoint paths of length at most for hypercubes and the node disjoint paths of length at most for star graphs.

  2. Q. Gu and S. Peng. Efficient algorithms for disjoint paths on star networks. In The 6th Transputer/Occam International Conference, pages accepted in January, 1994, 1994.

    Star Graphs have recently been accepted as an attractive choice for interconnection networks. They have sublogarithmic node degree and diameter. Like hypercubes, star graphs possess rich structure and symmetry properties as well as many desirable fault tolerance characteristics. This paper presents optimal time algorithms for finding disjoint paths which are the base for fault tolerant computation in a star graph. Our results significantly improve the previous results. For pairwise disjoint path problem, our algorithm is time which improves the previous result of . The length of paths constructed in our algorithm for three variations of disjoint path problems is bounded by the diameter of the star graph plus a small constant which is also an improvement over the previous results.

  3. Q. Gu and T. Takaoka. A parallel algorithm for the longest path problem on acyclic graphs with integer arc lengths. In The 6th Transputer/Occam International Conference, pages accepted in January, 1994, 1994.

    This paper presents a parallel algorithm that computes the single source longest path problem on acyclic graphs with integer arc lengths on SIMD-SM-EREW parallel computers. The algorithm solves the problem in time, processors, and memory space, where and the arc lengths are integers in the set . For any constant , our algorithm solves the single source longest path problem in time, processors, and memory space. With some modifications, our algorithm solves the single source shortest path problem on a graph with edge lengths drawn from the integer set in time, processors, and memory space. Our algorithm can also be used to derive time, processors, and memory space parallel algorithms for a number of problems, such as minimum coloring, maximum clique, and so on, for permutation graphs on an SIMD-SM-EREW computer.


  1. Shuuichi Yukita. UNIX BLUE BOOK - software factory (in Japanese). Super Learning System. McGraw-Hill, Tokyo, 1993.

Technical Reports

  1. Q. Gu and T. Takaoka. A parallel algorithm for the longest path problem of acyclic graphs. TR 93-1-002, The University of Aizu, Department of Computer Software, The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan 965-80, September 1993.

  2. Q. Gu and S. Peng. Efficient algorithms for disjoint paths in star graphs. TR 93-1-015, The University of Aizu, Department of Computer Software, The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan 965-80, November 1993.

  3. S. Peng, Q. Gu, and S. Okawa. Set-to-set routing in hypercubes and star graphs. TR 94-1-002, The University of Aizu, Department of Computer Software, The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan 965-80, February 1994.

  4. Q. Gu and S. Peng. Disjoint path paradigms in incomplete star networks. TR 94-1-003, The University of Aizu, Department of Computer Software, The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan 965-80, February 1994.

Academic Activities

  1. Satoshi Okawa, March- 1993.

    Reviewer of The Institute of Electronics,INformation and Communication Engineers (IEICE).

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Fri Feb 10 09:19:38 JST 1995