AY 2018 Undergraduate School Course Catalog

Other Courses


2018年度/Academic Year  1学期 /First Quarter
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Shigaku Tei
Shigaku Tei, Shiro Ishibashi
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2017/12/14
/Course outline
This course is the lecture of the school form to be offered as a part of the "Venture experience workshop "Aizu IT Nisshinkan". In the "Aizu IT Nisshinkan", University of Aizu offers the several kinds of themes, such as latest trends and technology challenges in the field of business area and communities, in cooperation with IT-related companies, local ventures, and local governments. As a result, it aims to foster highly motivated young human resources with the entrepreneurship and technical capabilities to challenge the innovation. This course consists of the knowledge part lectures which aim to acquire the technology needed for venture spirit development, and lectures by outside instructors who are active in various fields. These two parts are configured to be able to learn the practical business knowledge for students.
/Objectives and attainment
In the knowledge part lectures, we will learn the systematic knowledge of the latest IT technologies and business trends. This part aims to improve the basic skills and the application force to challenge the creative innovation. In the lectures by outside instructors, we provide timely topic on the latest technologies and business trends. Furthermore, by introducing the opportunities of consideration and discussion on business ideas, the proactive participation of the students is encouraged.
/Class schedule
In the knowledge part of this course, we learn about "data science to transform the business and society." When companies and organizations develop medium and long-term strategy, it is a major factor that determines the competitiveness to analyze a huge amount of data using the best statistical methods and to make decision. In addition, the IT progress supports this decision process, and it also performs the transformation of the growth base of the business itself. In a world in which all of the business data become digital, active data scientists give lectures on what should companies and organizations prepare for and what should be done in the business field. (total 6 times)
  (1) Data science overview: its requirement
  (2) Definition of business issues: hypothesis planning
  (3) Fundamentals of statistical data analysis
  (4) Practical data analysis: exploratory data analysis
  (5) Practical data analysis: construction of prediction model
  (6) Essence of data science skills required at the business site
In the lectures by outside instructors, we are planning the following theme as timely topic from the business and technical point of view.
- Latest ICT trends
- Business mind
- Introduction of venture business
Materials will be provided in the classroom.
/Grading method/criteria
To evaluate on the basis of the following items.
- Submission of issues paper in each class 50%
- Business plan report 25%
- Final examination 25%
/Note for course registration
Formal prerequisites: None
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

2018年度/Academic Year  3学期 /Third Quarter
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Shiro Ishibashi
Shigaku Tei, Shiro Ishibashi
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2017/12/14
/Course outline
This course is the lecture of the school form to be offered as a part of the "Venture experience workshop "Aizu IT Nisshinkan". In the "Aizu IT Nisshinkan", University of Aizu offers the several kinds of themes, such as latest trends and technology challenges in the field of business area and communities, in cooperation with IT-related companies, local ventures, and local governments. As a result, it aims to foster highly motivated young human resources with the entrepreneurship and technical capabilities to challenge the innovation. This course consists of the knowledge part lectures which aim to acquire the technology needed for venture spirit development, and lectures by outside instructors who are active in various fields. These two parts are configured to be able to learn the practical business knowledge for students.
/Objectives and attainment
In the knowledge part lectures, we will learn the systematic knowledge of the latest IT technologies and business trends. This part aims to improve the basic skills and the application force to challenge the creative innovation. In the lectures by outside instructors, we provide timely topic on the latest technologies and business trends. Furthermore, by introducing the examples of recent off-campus activities by students, the proactive participation to the various activities is encouraged.
/Class schedule
In the knowledge part of this course, we learn about "big data analysis". Along with recent changes in the business environment as well as the spread of ICT technology, the data distributed in the society have increased explosively; for example, information on the Internet, the data that is collected from a variety of sensors, text data written on the SNS. It is also said that how to take advantage of these "big data" determines corporate competitiveness. As the basis for big data processing, which is regarded as a source to produce the innovation, we address the following themes. (total 7 times).
(1) Big data overview
(2) Case study on big data utilization
(3) Implementation procedure of big data utilization
(4) Technology supporting big data utilization
(5) Data analysis by statistical methods
(6) Data mining (part 1)
(7) Data mining (part 2)
In the lectures by outside instructors, we are planning the following theme as timely topic from the business and technical point of view.
- Latest ICT trends
- Business mind
- Introduction of venture business
Materials will be provided in the classroom.
/Grading method/criteria
To evaluate on the basis of the following items.
- Submission of issues paper in each class 50%
- Final examination 50%
/Note for course registration
Formal prerequisites: None
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

2018年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Lei Jing
Shigaku Tei, Lei Jing
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2017/12/13
/Course outline
Title: Developing of Novel IoT System to Contribute for the Safety and Security Living Environment.
The students will take part in some real project on the topics like health care, living assistance using wearable sensing, BLE communication, and embedded programming knowledge. Specifically, the students will cooperate with each other to develop an automatic fall detection and tele-monitoring system for the living along elders in Fukushima with motion capture technologies.
/Objectives and attainment
Learning about the embedded programming skills through project based learning method.
/Class schedule
Introduction on MoCap System (2 times)
Development Process for MoCap System (2 times)
System Design (2 times)
System Implementation (6 times)
Summary and Report (2 times)
No specify textbooks for this course. Students need to find out the reference knowledge on the web.
/Grading method/criteria
Attendance and outcomes
/Note for course registration
Prerequest knowledge or courses:
Fundamental programming skills are required.

2018年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Hirohide Demura
Hirohide Demura, Naru Hirata, Yoshiko Ogawa, Chikatoshi Honda, Kohei Kitazato, Kyoko Okudaira, Shiro Ishibashi
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/02/16
/Course outline
Theme: Utilization of Remote Sensing Data
This is a Project-Based Learning using Remote Sensing Data.
We use Open Data and Service from Space Agencies. Course Students are divided into two groups; Data Curation and Software Development.
While they catch the interim results each other, they have midterm/final presentations. Targets of Data are deep space exploration, Earth Observation, GNSS, etc. Targets of Missions are “Hayabusa/Hayabusa2”, “Kaguya”, “Tanpopo on ISS”, and future missions such as Martian Moons eXploration(MMX). Course students experience adding and distributing new values, from shaping ideas to actual development aiming for branding software from UoA.
/Objectives and attainment
Fostering specialized human resources as the core of knowledge-based society, and occupational human resources supporting industries.
Data curation or software development, and presentation of them.
/Class schedule
This is a semester course.
#1 Introduction/Overview, Grouping
#2-6 Lectures of fundamental knowledges
Installation Development Environment
Design and Prototyping
Data Curation
#7 Intermediate Presentation
#8-13 Project-based Learning
#14 Final Presentation
/Grading method/criteria
No exam. Intermediate/Final Presentations and Final Results.
/Note for course registration
Welcome to bring your own Mac PC.
This course lends a MacBookAir as needed.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

2018年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Yosuke Kira
Yosuke Kira
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2017/12/14
/Course outline
Google Adsense dramatically changed advertisement on the web. We can put ad spots on our blog, website, YouTube movie, mobile apps to earn advertisement rate, and they invades territories of TVs, radios, newspapers, and magazines. In this course, we create blogs and Websites with Adsense and publish our knowledge. Lectures provide methods for managing Websites, knowledge of web advertisement, skills for starting home business. Basically blogs are created with Blogger, but participants who have advanced skills for web programming may develop websites with PHP or Python on Google App Engine. Building teams is also welcomed. A special lecture will be given by an EC site manager or a news site editor, yet it is now under preparation.
The final goal of the course is to earn advertisement rate from Google Adsense. However, it is too tough to earn minimum payment of 8000 yen in a half year. Participants will be credited if they obtain enough skills and knowledge to achieve the goal in the future.
/Objectives and attainment
G1. To learn basic skills for web marketing
Management of blog and website with ad spots requires quite complicated techniques of marketing. We have to find a field in which (1) fewer competitors (other bloggers, publishers, media etc.) exist, (2) more audience is willing to read, and (3) more advertisers offers higher advertisement rate. In this course, participants will research competitors, the number of searches, and business models of advertisers.

G2. To develop venture spirit which motivates to take reasonable risk along with return.
Owners of blogs or websites must be responsible for decisions they made. This point is definitely different from salary workers. For example, you may earn no money if you select unpopular field of your blog. Legal issues must be avoided. If the income exceeds 200,000 yen in a year, you have to send a tax report. You must do them by all your own decision. These experiences will build your confidence to challenge larger business. This course is open ended; participants will make decision on your business with advices from the lecturer.

G3. To be able to publish your idea and knowledge on the web.
Publishing skill on the web is useful in various situations: for example, creating a website for your club, working at public relation section, and building web interface at a systems development corporation. You may receive job offer or get new friend who contacts your blog. This course provides strategies for building and maintaining websites, writing fascinating blog, and appealing yourself on the web.
/Class schedule
1. Introduction: why you can contribute to other people with blogs and websites
2. Presentation of business plans I
3. Web Marketing: cases, advertisers, and other media.
4. Ad Spots on the Web: Google Adsense, Adwords, and other ad programs.
5. Researching Competitors and Demands: tools and keywords
6. Presentation of Business Plans II
7. Building Websites: domain, HTML+CSS, interactive contents, design, and mobile sites
8. Building Blogs: CMS on Google App Engine, starting Blogger
9. Writing for the Web
10. Hacking Search Engines and SNS
11. Legal Mind and Tax: copyright, security, and tax report
12. Statistics for Websites I: Google Analytics and descriptive statistics
13. Statistics for Websites II: causal inference, experimental design, and AB test
14. Final Presentation
Materials on the web will be announced.

/Grading method/criteria
Presentations and reports in classes (50%) evaluate G1 and G2.
Blogs and websites (50%) evaluate G1 and G3.
/Note for course registration
Participants must privately have (or develop in the semester) knowledge, a skill, or a product to publish. Uncommon and freak one is welcomed; no one (including the lecturer) previously knows whether it will be successful or not. A few examples of passed and potential cases are below:
(1) Deep knowledge on a specific field:
how to find best apartment, how to play a minor instrument, fantastic method to learn programming, everyday life of students who survive the University of Aizu.
(2) Novels and manga:
see “Kyou no Nekomura-san”.
(3) Interactive webpages and browser games:
see “Nounai maker”.
Although a participant may create an anonymous blog or website, it must satisfy legal and ethical criteria. Contents relating crime, porno, network business, copy of other websites are strictly prohibited.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

2018年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Incheon Paik
Incheon Paik
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/08/08
/Course outline
Title: 機械学習とディープラーニングによる自然言語と状況認識システム(System for Natural Language Processing and Situation Awareness by Machine Learning and Deep Learning)
Chat bot, natural lanaguage machine translation, text classification, image and speech recognition, and many other applications to act like human have been developed by AI technique such as deep learning.
In this course, using machine learning and deep learning, text classification and natural language processing will be studied.
/Objectives and attainment
Learning and exercise the following technologies.
- Text Mining Technology - TFIDF and Document Feature Vector
- Document Classification by Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing by Deep Learning
/Class schedule
1. Class Introduction and Planning  
2. Fundamentals of Text Mining I
3. Exercise Calculating TF-IDF (I)
4. Exercise Calculating TF-IDF (II)
5. Machine Learning I
6. Machine Learning II (Using TF-IDF)
7. Deep Learning (RNN) I
8. Deep Learning (RNN) II
9. Term Project
10. Term Project I
11. Term Project II
12. Term Project III
13. Term Project IV
14. Term Project V
Lecture Material (Will be open on lecture Web wite)
/Grading method/criteria
1. Term Project: 90% (Detailed contents will be explained in the class.)
2. Attendance: 10%
/Note for course registration
* Prerequisites:
- P1 JAVA Programming I, II
- Natural Langugae Processing

* Related Subjects:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning

/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
* Reference
1. Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper, Natural Language Processing with Python - Analyizing Text with the Natural Language Toolkit, O'Reilly
2. P. Tan, M. Steinbach, V. Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining: Pearson New International Edition, Pearson New International Edition
3. Tensorflow, https://www.tensorflow.org/?hl=ja

2018年度/Academic Year  後期 /Second Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Xin Zhu
Xin Zhu, Yan Pei
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/07/23
/Course outline
Colorectal cancer has the first incidence rate and the second mortality rate among Japanese. In the aging society, these values will continue increase. 80-90% of colorectal cancer develops from colorectal polyps. Therefore, it is reported that the incidence rate of colorectal cancer is reduced half if colorectal polyps can be early detected and removed.
Colonoscopy examinations are the golden standard for the detection of colorectal cancer and polyps. However, previous researches found 25% colorectal polyps are missed in colonoscopy examinations. In addition, colonoscopy examinations bring about heavy mental and physical burdens on physicians. To date, computer-aided diagnosis systems have been developed to reduce the burden of colonoscopy physicians. However, these systems were not put to practical use.
/Objectives and attainment
In this project, we will use large quantities of colorectal polyp images to train deep neural networks for realtime detection of colorectal polyps. Furthermore, this system will also recognize malignant Sessile Serrated Polyp/adenoma (SSAP). We will realize this computer-aided diagnosis system through tight collaboration between doctors and engineers.
/Class schedule
(1) Oct. 2018 (3 slots)
With the aim of building technology venture, we will collect documents and visit Division of Proctology to confirm the needs of the computer-aided diagnosis system for colorectal polyps.
(2) Nov. 2018  (3 slots)
Investigate the problems of previous products and the requirement of the new system including functions and service. Perform the function design of the new product.
(3) Dec. 2018-Mar. 2019 (8 slots)
Construct a platform for the development of this system. Realize a prototype of this system based on colorectal detection and recognition algorithms.
Investigate the rules and format of patents, specification documents, and instructions for use. Prepare the draft of the above documents.
(4) To be determined later
Participate exhibitions to appeal the system and collect comments from visitors.
/Grading method/criteria
No final examination. Scores will be determined by middle presentations, final presentations, and achievements.
/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

2018年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Rentaro Yoshioka
Rentaro Yoshioka, Hoshino T. (Nihon Unisys)
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/01/11
/Course outline
In venture factory 6, software development beginners will experience project planning and execution on a relatively easy and simple software development problem. A professional engineer experienced in practical software development and project management will provide support in designing project themes and performing coaching throughout the project activity.
 This course consists of “Introduction to Development Projects” and “Practical Development Projects”. “Introduction to Development Projects” is an intensive course offered for several consecutive days during the summer holidays. “Practical Development Projects” is offered as semester course during the second semester.
Introduction to Development Projects targets beginners of research and development activities and focuses on basic understanding of research and development process.
Practical Development Projects targets students who have understood the basics of development processes and focuses on applying that knowledge to a practical development project.
/Objectives and attainment
1. Understand the research/development process, and can plan a project for a relatively simple theme
2. Can carry out the research/development according to the project plan (with support of an advisor)
3. Can adjust the project plan according to the actual environment (with support of an advisor)
/Class schedule
Week 1 : Introduction
Week 2: Planning the project
Week 3: Planning the project (obtain consent of customer)
Week 4: Requirements Definition
Week 5: Requirements Definition
Week 6: Requirements Definition – Review by customer
Week 7: Analysis
Week 8: Analysis
Week 9: Analysis – Review by customer
Week 10: Design
Week 11: Design
Week 12: Programming
Week 13: Programming & Test
Week 14: Final Review
Materials will be prepared and handed-out in class as necessary.
/Grading method/criteria
The output of the project will be evaluated on how well they satisfy the requirements agreed upon with the customer, such as specifications given in the project plan, requirements, etc.
/Note for course registration
The development will be performed in groups.
 Extra-curricular activity is requested under circumstances:
・Delay in the project schedule
・Necessity to obtain specific technologies and skills required to complete the project
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

2018年度/Academic Year  後期 /Second Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Shiro Ishibashi
Yasushi Fujii
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/08/27
/Course outline
Students will learn social implementation of block chain technology,  for example, how to utilize technology, non-financial usage and business.
/Objectives and attainment
By the end of the course students will be able to:
1, understand of block chain technology and bitcoin etc.
2, identify the difference between public block chains and private block chains.
3, Understand the weaknesses in each block chain.
4, Join a project using block chain technology.
5, create a simple presentation of block chains technology.
/Class schedule
Session 1-2
Introduction and course orientation, trial in Aizu area(Moe-ka,Byakko,etc)
Session 3-4
Major Cryptocurrencies(bitcoin, Ethereum, etc)
Session 5-10
Online discussions with various companies
(Unisys, HAKUHODO, NTTDATA, CyberAgent, Soramitsu, etc)
Session 11-14
Students join the project and do lightning talk
No textbook
/Grading method/criteria
Writing assignments 50%
Lightning talk 50% lightning talk
/Note for course registration
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

2018年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Wenxi Chen
Wenxi Chen
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/06/25
/Course outline
"Cozy Bath" refers to a system that automatically measures, accumulates, analyzes, and displays electrocardiogram signals during bathing by means of a plurality of electrodes embedded in a bathtub.
In this workshop, students will learn how to measures the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal without disturbing the bather while taking a bath, accumulates ECG data over a long period via network automatically, develops algorithms for processing and analyzing biosignal, such as noise removal, feature extraction, clustering and classification. Through a series of processes, students will develop practical skills in application of the latest technologies such as Big Data analytics, AI and IoT.
/Objectives and attainment
Project-based learning from biosignal detection electrodes, measurement equipment, signal processing and data analysis algorithms, as well as network-based system integration.
/Class schedule
1. Introduction to the configuration and functions of "Cozy Bath" system
2. Introduction to bio-amplifier instrumentation and measuring equipment
3. Real experience with "Cozy Bath" system
4. System construction and setting
5. System construction and setup
6. Formulation of research purpose and experiment protocol
7. Data collection
8. Data collection
9. Data collection
10. Introduction to bio-signal processing and analysis methods
11. Algorithm development
12. Data analysis
13. Data analysis
14. Evaluation of results and performance
No specific textbook
Reference materials will be provided accordingly
/Grading method/criteria
Grade will be evaluated by final outcomes.
/Note for course registration
1. Time and Place for weekly activity: 9 - 10th periods, Monday, 325F.
2. Step by step guidance from signal measurement, data collection and analysis to system construction.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
See also the exhibition posters along BIT lab corridor in Research Quadrangles

2018年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Shiro Ishibashi
Shiro Ishibashi, Subhash Bhalla
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/01/12
/Course outline
Theme: Business Analytics: Practical Exercises on Data Science
"Data scientist" (professional to analyze the data with advanced statistical skills) is now getting a great deal of attention as a state-of-the-art profession. Since this profession is expressed as “the sexiest job of the 21st century” in Harvard Business Review magazine, it becomes to be known widely. In Japan, market needs for human resources with the data analysis skills has increased recently.
This lecture is the practical exercise on data analysis by active consultants of Accenture Japan Ltd., which is the world's largest consulting company. We aim to learn basic knowledge of data analysis, acquisition of analytical skills that can apply such as in hackathon, and logical thinking and presentation skills which are directly linked to job hunting.
/Objectives and attainment
In this lecture, the active data scientists of Accenture Japan Ltd. conduct a series of analytics process through the project-type data analysis exercise. We aim to acquire analytical skills required in the enterprise. In addition, documentation and presentation method are also introduced by active consultants. We also aim to learn presentation skill which is essential in the further research activities and job hunting.
/Class schedule
The following contents are performed in 14 periods.
(1) Analytics overview
(2) Understanding of process (1) understanding of analytics process
(3) Understanding of process (2) problem definition, hypothesis planning, exercise
(4) Understanding of process (3) logical thinking, exercise
(5) Understanding of process (4) data preprocessing, basic statistical processing
(6) Issue theme setting (1) understanding of city's subject matter
(7) Issue theme setting (2) hearing to city officials
(8) Issue theme setting (3) problem definition and hypothesis planning
(9) Issue theme setting (4) review of necessary data
(10) Data analysis (1) data collection / processing
(11) Data analysis (2) data analysis
(12) Data analysis (3) consideration of data analysis result
(13) Achievement report (1) presentation material creation
(14) Achievement report (2) presentation / feedback
* The practical analytics for policy issue in collaboration with Aizuwakamatsu city
Materials will be provided in the classroom.
/Grading method/criteria
Contribution to the classroom and performance of the exercises are totally evaluated.
/Note for course registration
Formal prerequisites: None
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
References will be provided in the classroom.

2018年度/Academic Year  集中 /Intensive course
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Yutaka Watanobe
Yutaka Watanobe, Yukihide Kohira, Yuichi Okuyama
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/06/25
/Course outline
This intensive course is for preparation of Information Technology Passport Examination. The preparation course will be conducted based on lectures and exercises with past problems (see questions range specified by IPA).
/Objectives and attainment
Students will obtain basic knowledge to solve problems given in Information Technology Passport Examination. In addition, the student will acquire ability which can be applied to information processing.
/Class schedule
Basic Theory of Information
Algorithms and Data Structures
System Development
Computer System
Security and Standardization
Information and Administration
Programming in C
Handouts distributed in the lectures
/Grading method/criteria
The goal is to path the examination. So, the evaluation is based on submission ratio of the assignments.
/Note for course registration
Students are strongly requested to self-study outside of classroom hours to pass the examination.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)

2018年度/Academic Year  前期 /First Semester
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year
Tsuneo Tsukahara
Tsuneo Tsukahara
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/02/01
/Course outline
1. Students will learn about their own future lifestyle, workstyle, characteristics and strengths, skills required in society, and trends and issues of society through workshops and discussions with individual(s) from the industry.
2. This course is positioned as the entry of “Career Design II,” which aims at helping job-hunting activities and deciding career path.
/Objectives and attainment
1. Students are expected to be able to figure out and express their own future life-style, work-style, and learning-style in the remaining part of terms in the UoA.
2. Students are expected to be able to listen to others and discuss within a team to give solutions for issues.
/Class schedule
1. The first half of the course will be for fundamentals, and the latter will be for practical learning. Each class of the fundamental half will be conducted in order of review on last class, lecture and/or individual/pair/group work activities, and review on the current class.
2.The practical half covers group study on considering solutions for some given issues.

(1) Introduction to Careers:4/11Wed
Students will receive an overview of the lectures, an introduction to careers.
(2) Self-awareness 1:4/18Wed
their own career and goals, what you should learn in the university
(3) Self-awareness 2:4/25Wed
Self-assessment (Pre-and-post admissions to the UoA), own advantages and disadvantages
(4) Self-awareness 3:5/9Wed
Communication basics, remarks, workshop
(5)Understanding society 1:5/17Thur
Ability required in society
(6)Understanding society 2:5/23Wed
Students will learn about social issues such as aging populations and declining birthrates, the environment, and safety and security, and will form their own opinions on these subjects.
(7)Understanding society 3:5/30Wed
Issues surrounding the industry (Internationalization, innovation, work-style reforms, compliance, etc.)

Practical Application
An issue-solving workshop in PBL (project-based-learning) style will be held in cooperation with the guest(s) from the Industry Association(s), and/or local municipals. We will have them present the issues regarding their organizations and students to consider the solutions for said issues in groups.
(8) Understanding the needs of industry 1:6/13Wed
We will have people from members of the Industry Association and/or municipalities provided explanations on the outlines of their organizations, projects, issues and their background followed by a brief exchange of opinions.
(9) Understanding the needs of industry 2:6/20水
Participants form groups for planning their own future schedule (including items to be studied, rough period and study assignment) after roughly confirming the main point of issues of concern.
(10) Understanding the needs of industry 3:6/27Wed
Students will delve into the issues in groups. Preparation of Midterm Report.
(11) Understanding the needs of industry 4:7/4Wed
(If individuals from the industry can participate,) presentations and feedback on the midterm report will be given.
(If not,) further in-depth group study will be conducted.
(12) Understanding the needs of industry 5:7/11Wed
Students will delve into the issues in groups.
(13) Understanding the needs of industry 6:7/18Wed
Students will prepare materials for their presentations.
(14) Understanding the needs of industry 7:7/25Wed
Each group will make a presentation and be given feedback from people from the Industry Association(s).
Handouts will be distributed in each class.
/Grading method/criteria
A comprehensive evaluation will be conducted based on the review sheets (attendance), group work attitude and achievement reports. The score weights shall be as follows.
(1) Review sheets submitted at the end of every class (50%)
(2) Group work attitude and the content of achievement reports (50%)
/Note for course registration
1. The class capacity of ~60 students (which is due to the workshop style of class) may be filled before the course registration deadline.
2. Comments from participants
・Little by little, I’ve acquired skills required in society. Taking this course was good for me.
・Since I was not good at giving public presentation, the series of lectures this time gave me a wonderful experience.
・I appreciate having the opportunity to think about the future. Thank you.
・This course was a valuable opportunity for getting information on career selection. I would make good use of learnings in this course.

2018年度/Academic Year  後期 /Second Semester
/Course for;
3rd year
Tsuneo Tsukahara
Tsuneo Tsukahara
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/06/07
/Course outline
1 Students will learn about the meaning of working society ,their strengths and weakness, the trends of society and industry, the relationship between computer science and engineering and the industrial world , skills required in society, through discussion with individual from the industry.
2  Students will aim to acquire the first choice by taking job hunting measures such as job hunting work flow and Self-Analysis, industry research ,entry sheets, written exam, interview etc.
/Objectives and attainment
1 Students will be able to explain the meaning of working in society, the axis of job selection.
2  Students will be able to explain their strengths and weakness.
3  Students will be able to explain the trend of society and industry, relationship with computer science and engineering ,the desired industry.
4  Students will be able to understand the points of job hunting work flow, entry sheets, written exams, interviews,etc. and get a job.
/Class schedule
1. For starting job hunting
2. Social understanding(FUKUSHIMA-MINPO Co.,Ltd. Reporter)
3.In-depth studies on Industry Analysis 1(System Integrator)
4. Industry Analysis 2(Manufacturers )
5. Industry Analysis 3(Web Company)
6. Industry Analysis4(Aizu Wakamatsu City)and Self-Analysis
7. Industry Analysis5 (Tokyo area companies VS Local companies)
8. Preparation for written examinations
9. Report sessions by seniors who received tentative job offers (naitei)
10. Practice session - Job application form writing
11. Practice session - Group Discussion   
12. Seminar on industries with UoA alumni
13. Mock interviews  
14. Highlights of job hunting tips and manner
Handouts will be distributed in each class .
/Grading method/criteria
A comprehensive evaluation will be conducted based on the review sheets (attendance) and achievement reports. The score weights shall be as follows.
(1) Review sheets submitted at the end of every class (50%)
(2) The content of achievement reports of self-analysis and career (50%)
/Note for course registration
1. Please be sure to attend a student who wants to get a job.
2. Comments from participants
● It was a good lesson to acquire various knowledge and skills on job hunting.
● It was good to know the information on employment that I could not know until now.
● It was a very good opportunity to prepare for employment.
● There were many stories that were very useful.
● I was glad to hear the story of the front line of business people.

2018年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Heo Younghyon
Kuwada K.
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2017/12/05
/Course outline
This is a TOEIC preparation course for university students. This course is designed for students to familiarize themselves with the TOEIC test format and to improve their listening and reading skills. Through instructions and practice, students will be able to comprehend basic communications in English in daily life. By the end of the semester, students will obtain a good amount of vocabulary and get enough practice in English grammar and have a good understanding of TOEIC test format to reach TOEIC score 400.
/Objectives and attainment
(1) To improve listening and reading skills in English
(2) To enhance the knowledge of English grammar
(3) To learn English expressions in daily communication
(4) To learn how to study fot the TOEIC test
/Class schedule
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2 – Week 11: Listening & Reading Exercises, Vocabulary Quizzes
Week 12: Mock Test (Listening), Words & Phrases Test
Week 13: Mock Test (Reading)
Week 14: Mock Test review
Details will be announced in the first class.
「公式TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集2」
著者   Educational Testing Service
発行元  一般財団法人 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会
/Grading method/criteria
Vocabulary quizzes 40%
Words & Phrases Test 30%
Class participation 30%

2018年度/Academic Year  前期・後期 /1st, 2nd Semester
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Heo Younghyon
Kuwada K.
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2017/12/05
/Course outline
This is a TOEIC preparation course for university students. This course is designed for students to familiarize themselves with the TOEIC test format and to improve their listening and reading skills. Through instructions and practice, students will be able to comprehend communications in English in work place and daily life. By the end of the semester, students will obtain a good amount of vocabulary and get enough practice in English grammar and have a good understanding of TOEIC test format to increase their TOEIC score.
/Objectives and attainment
(1) To improve listening and reading skills in English
(2) To enhance the knowledge of English grammar
(3) To learn English expressions in daily life and work place.
(4) To learn how to study for obtaining higher TOEIC score.
/Class schedule
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2 – Week 11: Listening & Reading Exercises, Vocabulary Quizzes
Week 12: Mock Test (Listening), Words & Phrases Test
Week 13: Mock Test (Reading)
Week 14: Mock Test review
*Assignments will be given every week.
Course materials will be provided by the instructor.
/Grading method/criteria
Quizzes 30%
Words & Phrases Test 30%
Class participation 30%
Assignments 10%

2018年度/Academic Year  集中 /Intensive course
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Yuji Mitsunaga
Yuji Mitsunaga
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/06/06
/Course outline
"Internship courses" aim to learn the sophistication to be active in a global world through the field experience both at home and abroad. As a result, they realize the efforts goal of the top global university project, that is, "the development of innovative ICT human resources who are active in the world". According to their contents, "internship courses" provide the following three types of courses.
 Internship I (regional company)
   A course to do an internship in regional companies and ventures
 Internship II (domestic company)
   A course to do an internship in domestic companies
 Internship III (overseas)
   A course to do an overseas training and an internship in overseas companies
Each course consists of three parts, that is, "pre-training", "training", and "post-training".  "Pre-training" and "post-training" are carried out in lectures and exercises form in the campus. "Training" is performed in the field of each training destination between the period or pre- and post-training. For the "training", students select the execution content (training place) from the menu that has been prepared in each course.
/Objectives and attainment
Through the experience of the "training" in the training centers or companies overseas, "internship III (overseas)" aims to obtain sophistication as a global ICT human resources.

(1) Acquisition of global entrepreneurship
In the ICT field where globalization progresses, students aim to become human resources that can develop the business with the international perspective
(2) Acquisition of the corresponding skills to international business
Students should acquire the skills of problem identification and solving, interpersonal relationships, and communication which are required in international business.
(3) Understanding of diversity and acquisition of adaptability
For diverse cultures and business practices, students should acquire the ability that can be applied while maintaining the self-identity

This program is implemented with tripartite agreement for the internship program among the University of Aizu, Dalian Neusoft University of Information, and Alpine Electronics, Inc. This program aims to develop experts who have skills of computer science, knowledge of different cultures and business sense, and become a bridge between Japan and China.

<Attainment goals>
In the "internship III (overseas)", students will target the acquisition of the following skills.

(1) Understanding of different cultures
Students understand the diversity of culture and the way of thinking by experiencing the product development and business in the field of overseas.
(2) Understanding of stakeholder
Students learn applicability and adaptability through the direct experience with overseas stakeholders such as corporate persons and users.
(3) Understanding of the mechanism of overseas business
Students understand the way of overseas business which is different from that in Japan through the experience of business rules and customs in foreign countries.
(4) Grasp of overseas issues
Students understand the diversity and the differences of the issues in overseas society by knowing the local unique issues abroad.
(5) Acquisition of analysis and problem solving skills
Students learn the international standard of problem solving approach and its difference with Japan through the experience in foreign countries.
(6) Acquisition of the international team work force
Students learn the collaboration ability in the international community through the experience of team work in the field of business.
(7) Acquisition of communication skills as an international person
Students obtain the appropriate communication skills as an international person through field work.
/Class schedule
-- Pre-training:
Prior to the training, students prepare the following activities in lectures and exercises on campus and the external facility.
-orientation, notes on overseas travelling, cross-cultural understanding (2 periods)
-outline of IoT manufacturing, modeling and design, introduction to Arduino, how to use the prototype development kit,
production training, result presentation (12 periods)
-- Training:
Centering on the Silicon Valley office of the University of Aizu, students conduct cross-cultural experiences, product development practice, and visit to neighboring companies. (two weeks)
-understanding of entrepreneurship and development culture by attending meetup
-visit to neighboring university and companies
-brush-up of product made in the pre-training periods
-presentation to entrepreneurs or exhibition in the makers’ fair
-execution of regular reporting, reporting to accept contact persons
-- Post-training:
After the training, students reflect the results and carry out the following activities in lectures and exercises on campus. (2 periods)
-reflection of training, reporting of training achievements, report preparation,
training report presentation, exchange opinions
Not specified.
Some materials are distributed during the lecture.
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is carried out in consideration with the following items.
-- Efforts in pre-training and post-training
(submission of a course plan, submission of a final report)  50%
-- Efforts in the training period
(submission of reports during the training period)  50%
It should be noted that evaluation by accepted destination staff is also taken into account with respect to the efforts in the training period,
/Note for course registration
By taking all the “pre-training”, ”training”, and ”post-training”, students can obtain 2 credits. Since the “Internship III (overseas)” is one of the curriculum of “Extra-campus activity programs”, up to maximum of 4 credits can be admitted as graduation credits combined with other “Extra-campus activity programs”. When students do not apply the graduation credits, these credits are treated as free credits.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Not specified.

2018年度/Academic Year  集中 /Intensive course
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Yuji Mitsunaga
Yuji Mitsunaga
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2017/12/15
/Course outline
"Internship courses" aim to learn the sophistication to be active in a global world through the field experience both at home and abroad. As a result, they realize the efforts goal of the top global university project, that is, "the development of innovative ICT human resources who are active in the world". According to their contents, "internship courses" provide the following three types of courses.
 Internship I (regional company)
   A course to do an internship in regional companies and ventures
 Internship II (domestic company)
   A course to do an internship in domestic companies
 Internship III (overseas)
   A course to do an overseas training and an internship in overseas companies
Each course consists of three parts, that is, "pre-training", "training", and "post-training".  "Pre-training" and "post-training" are carried out in lectures and exercises form in the campus. "Training" is performed in the field of each training destination between the period or pre- and post-training. For the "training", students select the execution content (training place) from the menu that has been prepared in each course.
/Objectives and attainment
Through the experience of the "training" in the training centers or companies overseas, "internship III (overseas)" aims to obtain sophistication as a global ICT human resources.

(1) Acquisition of global entrepreneurship
In the ICT field where globalization progresses, students aim to become human resources that can develop the business with the international perspective
(2) Acquisition of the corresponding skills to international business
Students should acquire the skills of problem identification and solving, interpersonal relationships, and communication which are required in international business.
(3) Understanding of diversity and acquisition of adaptability
For diverse cultures and business practices, students should acquire the ability that can be applied while maintaining the self-identity

This program is implemented with tripartite agreement for the internship program among the University of Aizu, Dalian Neusoft University of Information, and Alpine Electronics, Inc. This program aims to develop experts who have skills of computer science, knowledge of different cultures and business sense, and become a bridge between Japan and China.

<Attainment goals>
In the "internship III (overseas)", students will target the acquisition of the following skills.

(1) Understanding of different cultures
Students understand the diversity of culture and the way of thinking by experiencing the product development and business in the field of overseas.
(2) Understanding of stakeholder
Students learn applicability and adaptability through the direct experience with overseas stakeholders such as corporate persons and users.
(3) Understanding of the mechanism of overseas business
Students understand the way of overseas business which is different from that in Japan through the experience of business rules and customs in foreign countries.
(4) Grasp of overseas issues
Students understand the diversity and the differences of the issues in overseas society by knowing the local unique issues abroad.
(5) Acquisition of analysis and problem solving skills
Students learn the international standard of problem solving approach and its difference with Japan through the experience in foreign countries.
(6) Acquisition of the international team work force
Students learn the collaboration ability in the international community through the experience of team work in the field of business.
(7) Acquisition of communication skills as an international person
Students obtain the appropriate communication skills as an international person through field work.
/Class schedule
In “Internship III (overseas Dalian)” consists of “Training” in Dalian, “Pre-training” and “Post-training” in Japan.

Lecture (Pre-training):
1 Orientation
2 Cross-Cultural Understanding
3 China Business
4 Chinese Culture,  International Joint Venture
5 Overview of ICT Business
6 ICT Business Planning ① Introduction to Business Analysis
7 ICT Business Planning ②  Business Research
8 ICT Business Planning ③  Planning
9 ICT Business Design ①  E-R Diagram
10 ICT Business Design ②  UML: Activity Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram
11 ICT Business Design ③  Exercises on UML Design
12 ICT Business Design ④  Display Design
13 Introduction to Chinese Language ①
14 Introduction to Chinese Language ②

Exercise (Training in Dalian)
1 Explanation of planning and development - Alpine Dalian R&D -
2 Growth of Chinese Internet Economy - DNUI -
3 How to Marketing Research - DNUI -
4 Education of Evaluating OEM Products - Alpine Dalian R&D -
5 Planning of Marketing Research - DNUI -
6 Factory Tour - Alpine Dalian R&D -
7 Understanding of Manufacturing Process - Alpine Dalian R&D -
8 Exercise on Marketing Research - DNUI -
9 Introduction to Quality Assurance Service - Alpine Dalian R&D -
10 Report on Marketing Research - DNUI -
11 Manufacturing Process - Alpine Dalian R&D -
12 Survey and Research ① - DNUI - Business Analysis, Planning
13 Survey and Research ② - DNUI - Display Design, Development of Prototype System
14 Final Presentation - DNUI -

Final Presentation
Not specified.
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is carried out in consideration with the following items.
-- Efforts in pre-training and post-training
(submission of a course plan, submission of a final report)  50%
-- Efforts in the training period
(submission of reports during the training period)  50%
It should be noted that evaluation by accepted destination staff is also taken into account with respect to the efforts in the training period,
/Note for course registration
By taking all the “pre-training”, ”training”, and ”post-training”, students can obtain 2 credits. Since the “Internship III (overseas)” is one of the curriculum of “Extra-campus activity programs”, up to maximum of 4 credits can be admitted as graduation credits combined with other “Extra-campus activity programs”. When students do not apply the graduation credits, these credits are treated as free credits.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Not specified.

2018年度/Academic Year  集中 /Intensive course
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Yuji Mitsunaga
Yuji Mitsunaga
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/06/05
/Course outline
"Internship courses" aim to learn the sophistication to be active in a global world through the field experience both at home and abroad. As a result, they realize the efforts goal of the top global university project, that is, "the development of innovative ICT human resources who are active in the world". According to their contents, "internship courses" provide the following three types of courses.
 Internship I (regional company)
   A course to do an internship in regional companies and ventures
 Internship II (domestic company)
   A course to do an internship in domestic companies
 Internship III (overseas)
   A course to do an overseas training and an internship in overseas companies
Each course consists of three parts, that is, "pre-training", "training", and "post-training".  "Pre-training" and "post-training" are carried out in lectures and exercises form in the campus. "Training" is performed in the field of each training destination between the period or pre- and post-training. For the "training", students select the execution content (training place) from the menu that has been prepared in each course.
/Objectives and attainment
In "Internship II," students aims to acquire an understanding of corporate culture and the practical skills needed to work independently by undergoing "practical training" at a large domestic company.
(1) Acquisition of the ability to solve problems through getting involved in activities within a company organization
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the issues in each industry and develop a business through organized activities.
(2) Acquisition of the abilities required to develop a business as an intra-organizational team
Students will acquire the ability to grasp their own role within a team, as well as the expertise of its other members, and cooperatively carry out a mission.
(3) Acquisition of the ability to design one's own career through the domestic business scene
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the knowledge and competencies required for a job, design their own future career, and work toward their career goals systematically.

<Attainment goals>
In the "Internship II", students will target the acquisition of the following skills.
(1) Understanding company organizations
Through practical training, students will understand the organizational structure of companies by understanding the roles of and relationship between each department.
(2) Understanding stakeholders
Students will learn adaptability through direct experiences with domestic stakeholders such as corporate personnel and users.
(3) How businesses work
By experiencing the realities business-to-business (B to B) and the business-to-customer (B to C) businesses, students will understand how businesses work and how they earn revenue.  
(4) Understanding internal issues
Through practical training, students will understand company's business structures and organization structure, experience the company's issues, and cultivate their ability to handle issues within an organization.
(5) Problem analysis and resolution
By experiencing the approaches to solving real-world business challenges, students will learn the business knowledge and competencies demanded in the real world, and cultivate their ability to independently design own career.
(6) Intra organizational teamwork
By experiencing teamwork in a real-world business scenario, students will cultivate the ability to understand the roles of team members and make decisions based on their own thinking.
(7) Expression as a member of society
Through the internship (practical training), students will cultivate the ability to effectively convey their own ideas to team members and stakeholders.
/Class schedule
In“Internship II (Domestic Company Alpine) ”, students carry out "pre-training" and “post-training” on campus in the form of lectures and exercises before and after the internship (practical training) conducted in the company, respectively. In the training, students gain an understanding of the manufacturing industry and learn about how businesses work through the theme of car navigation system development. Before joining, you must have acquired a basic knowledge of the C language, and have Japanese communication skills sufficiently for everyday life.
Internship host: Alpine Electronics Co., Ltd.

-- Pre-training:
1   Introduction
2   Business structure
3   Business culture and hospitality
4   Enterprise managements and program fo the year
5   Project Management
6   Introduction to career design
7   Career design exercise
8   Confidentiality obligation, legal affairs in company
9   Business document preparation
10  Survey of Corporation: Basic information
11  Survey of Corporation: Management Planning
12  Survey of Corporation: Business
13  Survey of Corporation: Summarization
14  Notes on Training

1   Orientation
2   Business sites in China
3   Reading specification sheets
4   System checking
5   Specification change
6   Requirement analysis
7   Design structure
8   Test Specification
9   Creating test specification
10  Testing
11  Maintain test specification
12  Comparison between System Specification and Test Specification
13  Reflection
14  Summary of the training

-- Post-training:
Achievement presentations
Not specified.
Some materials are distributed during the lecture.
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is carried out in consideration with the following items.
-- Efforts in pre-training and post-training
(submission of a course plan, submission of a final report) 50%
-- Efforts in the training period
(submission of reports during the training period) 50%
It should be noted that evaluation by accepted destination staff is also taken into account with respect to the efforts in the training period,
/Note for course registration
By taking all the “pre-training”, ”training”, and ”post-training”, students can obtain 2 credits. Since the “Internship II” is one of the curriculum of “Extra-campus activity programs”, up to maximum of 4 credits can be admitted as graduation credits combined with other “Extra-campus activity programs”. When students do not apply the graduation credits, these credits are treated as free credits.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Not specified.

2018年度/Academic Year  集中 /Intensive course
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
Yuji Mitsunaga
Yuji Mitsunaga
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/06/05
/Course outline
"Internship courses" aim to learn the sophistication to be active in a global world through the field experience both at home and abroad. As a result, they realize the efforts goal of the top global university project, that is, "the development of innovative ICT human resources who are active in the world". According to their contents, "internship courses" provide the following three types of courses.
 Internship I (regional company)
   A course to do an internship in regional companies and ventures
 Internship II (domestic company)
   A course to do an internship in domestic companies
 Internship III (overseas)
   A course to do an overseas training and an internship in overseas companies
Each course consists of three parts, that is, "pre-training", "training", and "post-training".  "Pre-training" and "post-training" are carried out in lectures and exercises form in the campus. "Training" is performed in the field of each training destination between the period or pre- and post-training. For the "training", students select the execution content (training place) from the menu that has been prepared in each course.
/Objectives and attainment
In "Internship II," students aims to acquire an understanding of corporate culture and the practical skills needed to work independently by undergoing "practical training" at a large domestic company.
(1) Acquisition of the ability to solve problems through getting involved in activities within a company organization
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the issues in each industry and develop a business through organized activities.
(2) Acquisition of the abilities required to develop a business as an intra-organizational team
Students will acquire the ability to grasp their own role within a team, as well as the expertise of its other members, and cooperatively carry out a mission.
(3) Acquisition of the ability to design one's own career through the domestic business scene
Students will acquire the ability to grasp the knowledge and competencies required for a job, design their own future career, and work toward their career goals systematically.

<Attainment goals>
In the "Internship II", students will target the acquisition of the following skills.
(1) Understanding company organizations
Through practical training, students will understand the organizational structure of companies by understanding the roles of and relationship between each department.
(2) Understanding stakeholders
Students will learn adaptability through direct experiences with domestic stakeholders such as corporate personnel and users.
(3) How businesses work
By experiencing the realities business-to-business (BtoB) and the business-to-customer (BtoC) businesses, students will understand how businesses work and how they earn revenue.  
(4) Understanding internal issues
Through practical training, students will understand company's business structures and organization structure, experience the company's issues, and cultivate their ability to handle issues within an organization.
(5) Problem analysis and resolution
By experiencing the approaches to solving real-world business challenges, students will learn the business knowledge and competencies demanded in the real world, and cultivate their ability to independently design own career.
(6) Intra organizational teamwork
By experiencing teamwork in a real-world business scenario, students will cultivate the ability to understand the roles of team members and make decisions based on their own thinking.
(7) Expression as a member of society
Through the internship (practical training), students will cultivate the ability to effectively convey their own ideas to team members and stakeholders.
/Class schedule
In “Internship II (Domestic Program B) ”, students carry out "pre-training" and “post-training” on campus in the form of lectures and exercises before and after the internship (practical training) conducted in the company, respectively. In the training, students gain an understanding of the cloud services and their infrastructure in the company and learn how to develop cloud services through the working. Before joining, you must have acquired a basic knowledge of the C language, and have Japanese communication skills.

Internship host: CyberAgent, Inc.

-- Pre-training:
1 Introduction
2 Business structure
3 Business culture and hospitality
4 Enterprise managements and program for the year
5 Project Management
6 Introduction to career design
7 Career design exercise
8 Confidentiality obligation, legal affairs in company
9 Business document preparation
10 Survey of Corporation: Basic information
11 Survey of Corporation: Management Planning
12 Survey of Corporation: Business
13 Survey of Corporation: Summarization
14 Notes on Training

1 Orientation
2 Business offices
3 Introduction on cloud services
4 New trend on cloud services
5 New business on cloud
6 Infrastructure
7  Development methods with regard to cloud services
8  Proposal of management display and  new function of cloud service
9  Design of management display and new function
10  Development of management display and new function
11  System Test
12  Maintenance and management
13  Reflection
14  Summary of the training

-- Post-training:
Achievement presentations
Not specified.
Some materials are distributed during the lecture.
/Grading method/criteria
The grading is carried out in consideration with the following items.
-- Efforts in pre-training and post-training
(submission of a course plan, submission of a final report)  50%
-- Efforts in the training period
(submission of reports during the training period)  50%
It should be noted that evaluation by accepted destination staff is also taken into account with respect to the efforts in the training period,
/Note for course registration
By taking all the “pre-training”, ”training”, and ”post-training”, students can obtain 2 credits. Since the “Internship II” is one of the curriculum of “Extra-campus activity programs”, up to maximum of 4 credits can be admitted as graduation credits combined with other “Extra-campus activity programs”. When students do not apply the graduation credits, these credits are treated as free credits.
/Reference (course
website, literature, etc.)
Not specified.

2018年度/Academic Year  集中 /Intensive course
/Course for;
1st year , 2nd year , 3rd year , 4th year
- -
- -
/Recommended track

更新日/Last updated on 2018/11/02
/Course outline
Achievement of students may be recognized as having earned the academic credits for this seminar by reporting following cases to the Dean of the Graduate School.

1. A submitted paper as the first author which was accepted for publication in a scientific journal.
2. A presentation of research results which was made as an oral presenter or presenter at a poster in an academic conference, a symposium, or a work shop, etc. (excluding those organized solely by the UoA) They do not necessarily need to be the first author of a relevant paper in this case.

In case of publication in a scientific journal or presentation at a referred academic conference, at least one presentation, and in case of publication in a non-refereed journal or presentation at a non-refereed conference, at least two presentations will be required.
When reporting, students will first prepare the "Report for External Presentation Seminar" and submit this form together with information of relevant journals or conferences (a title page of the journal, a "Call-for-Paper" announcement and a conference/meeting program, etc.), a letter of acceptance (for refereed papers), a copy of the paper published, materials used for presentation (slides, etc.). Limited to refereed journal papers, students can apply for the academic credits prior to publication of relevant papers if they submit a letter of acceptance of the paper.
Application for recognition of academic credits for the above mentioned publication/presentation will be accepted at any time. Earning of these academic credits will become official as of the date of finalization of academic grades for the quarter when these academic credits were authorized by the Graduate School Academic Affairs Committee. The academic grade for all applicants recognized as having earned academic credits in this manner will be "A." Students are not required to register for the course by themselves.
Students can earn academic credits in this manner just once during their enrollment in the Master's Program.

Please check below URL for the latest information.
/Objectives and attainment
/Class schedule
/Grading method/criteria

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp